Online Safety

Parent Guidance

We know that the internet and the many devices, apps and social networks our young people are exposed to can be an intimidating place. On the page we aim to give you more information about how you can keep your child safe on-line.

All of our pupils are given a copy of Vodafone’s Digital Parenting Magazine as they are published and these will come home to you.We have found this guide and the supporting Vodafone Parental Guidance pages to be extremely useful. If you would like to look at the latest edition on-line please click here to visit the site.

It is important that all parents, carers teaching staff and other adults working with our young people make an effort to understand the many forms of new and digital media and technology that pupils are exposed to. Our online safety and safeguarding policies include more information about how we protect your child in school. With the right knowledge and understanding and an appropriate level of control and guidance, the internet, apps and social networking can be positive learning tools for pupils of all ages.

We will endeavour to keep you updated on online safety developments and will provide further guidance throughout the year by Parentmail and at curriculum evenings.

Do not hesitate to contact us at the school if you have any specific online safety concerns.

Online Safety checklist

THINK about how you guide your family in the real world and do the same in the digital world - don't be afraid to set boundaries and rules for your child from a young age.

HAVE a go at some of the technologies your son/daughter enjoys - play on the Wii together or look at social medai sites together.

TALK to your friends, family and other parents about how they help their children to manage their digital world.

MAKE the most of Parental Controls on computers, mobiles and games consoles, privacy features on social networking sites and safety options on Google and other search engines.

TRY not to use technology as a babysitter too often, we all do it sometimes, but it’s important to know what your child is doing.

INCLUDE digital issues as part of everyday conversations - show your child that you understand how important technology is to them and talk about it's amazing benefits but don't shy away from difficult subjects like responsible on-line behaviour, bullying and inappropriate content.

Parent and carer's resource sheet - Childnet

A good starting point for parents and carers is this resource sheet from Childnet. Further resources and guidance is on their website at


Parents' guide to Social Media

It's often difficult to stop children joining and using social networking sites and often they will say to parents 'my friends are on it'.

Key advice about Social Media sites

 - Talk to your children about what they do on-line. Research shows that children who discuss social networking sites with their parents behave safer on-line.

 - Get your own social media profile and become a “friend” in your child’s network.

 - Be informed and keep yourself up-to-date on the benefits and challenges of social networking by visiting educational sites.

 - Children want to share information with their friends and connections and a profile on a social networking website is like a window into their life. They need to understand that they need to protect their privacy and their reputation diligently.

 - Set some limits and make a few rules for your children with regard to their on-line behaviour, especially on social networking sites.

 - Limit the amount of time your kids are allowed to spend on the Internet.

 - Discuss what is and is not appropriate to share on-line and remind your child that nothing is secret in cyberspace.

 - Advise your children to beware of people they don’t know who want to join their network—these “friends” may be predators or cyber-bullies who want to do them harm.

 - Teach them the risks and dangers of sharing passwords, phone numbers, addresses, and other personal information – even with their best friends.

 - Encourage them not to use their full name, city, school, and age in text or images, so this information cannot be used to locate them offline.

 - Have them inform you if they notice anything odd or unusual, such as messages from “friends” that seem out of character or photos that your children never posted.

 - Teach your children to be wary of messages  – especially offers with links to websites, as the messages may be coming from a con artist who has commandeered a friend’s profile and is distributing a phishing scam.

 - Tell your child that they cannot meet face-to-face with individuals they’ve met on-line.

 - Tell your child to trust their gut if they have suspicions - if they ever feel uncomfortable or threatened, encourage them to tell you.

Support for pupils

Be careful when you are using the internet. It can help you to keep in touch with your friends and find out things – but it can also cause harm – to you and to others.

Remember help is always available at school to help you if you are having any problems on-line. Don’t be afraid to talk to your teacher or other adult at school.

Have a look at these link below with your parents and carers:

Age 5-7

Click here for the CEOP THINKUKNOW site to find out more about the internet.

Age 8-10

Click here for the CEOP THINKUKNOW site to find out more about the internet.

Age 11-13

Click here for the CEOP THINKUKNOW site to find out more about the internet.


On-line bullying or cyberbullying is an issue your children may face on social media, email or instant or on-line chat sites. Because these sites or apps are all about sharing personal information, and its easy for the information to be spread and easy for young people to become a victim or even a perpetrator without realising.

Cyberbullying is defined as the use of the Internet or other technologies to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.

Types of cyberbullying

 - Flaming: On-line fights sent via email or instant message with angry or vulgar language

 - Harassment: Repeatedly sending nasty, mean, insulting messages

 - Denigration: ‘Dissing’ someone on-line by sending or posting gossip or rumours about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships

 - Impersonation: Pretending to be someone else and sending or posting material to damage their reputation

 - Pranking: Tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and then sharing it on-line

Therer are some useful tips in this guide by the Anti-Bullying Alliance:


 Warning signs

Signs that indicate your child might be a cyberbully:

 - Switching screens or closing programs when you walk by

 - Using the computer late at night

 - Getting upset if he/she cannot use the computer

 - Using more than one on-line accounts or an account that belongs to someone else

 Signs that indictae your child might be a victim of cyberbullying:

 - Being uncomfortable when receiving an email, instant message, or text message

 - Feeling upset after using the computer

 - Refusing to leave the house or go to school

 - Withdrawing from friends and family

Online Safey links

Listed below are some more sources of help for parents and carers:

CEOP - CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and online Protection centre)

Educate Against Hate - Practical advice for parents and teachers on protecting children from radicalisation and extremism

UK Safer Internet Centre - Helping children and young people stay safe on the internet

NSPCC - the leading children's charity protecting children - helping parents keep their children safe on-line

The Parent Zone - Making life easier for parents