COVID-19 (Coronavirus) updates
This page is to share information about the measures we are taking to keep all of the school community safe during the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak and is updated regularly and when we receive guidance from the UK government, the DfE and Public Health England.
COVID measures in school
Whilst isolation and other measures have eased as we learn to live with the pandemic, we have clear proocedures in place and school will be a safe place for your child. We continue to undertake enhanced cleaning, regular hand washing and ventilation throiughout the school. Our planning is underpinned by the DfE’s advice on effective infection protection and control and guidance from the local authority. We will continue to update our risk assessments in line with the latest guidance.
It may be necessary to implement some additional measures in school, should we have an outbreak, as directed by the local Health Protection team. Please see our outbreak management plan for more information:
Links to official guidance
COVID 19 Guidance and support
What to do if you have symptoms