Our policies

If you have any queries regarding any of our policies, please contact the school office.

Appeal Policy TH

Amplification Policy TH

Assessment policy TH

Attendance policy TH

Attendance Management TH

Behaviour Policy TH

Capability Policy TH

Charging and Remissions TH

Child protection policy executive summary TH 2024

Close Personal Relationships in the Workplace TH

Code of Conduct for Employees TH

Code of Practice for School Govrs TH

Complaints policy TH

Continuing Professional Development policy TH


Data protection policy TH

Debt Collection policy TH

Disciplinary Policy TH

ECT policy TH

Educational Visits policy TH

Emotional Health Wellbeing TH

Equal opportunities policy TH

Exclusions Policy TH

External Contributors and Speakers Policy TH

Fasting policy TH

First Aid Policy TH

Flexible Working Policy TH

FOIA policy TH

Gifted and Talented TH

Govrs allowances TH

Grievance Policy TH

Health and Safety Policy TH

Healthy lunchbox and snacks policy TH

Images of Children and Young People TH

International Policy TH

Intimate Care Policy TH

Leave of Absence Policy TH

Letting of School Premises Policy TH

Lone Working TH

Marking and Feedback TH

Maternity, Adoption and Paternity Policy TH

Mobile device policy TH

Online Safety Policy TH

Organisational Change Policy TH

Parent and Visitor code of conduct TH

Performance Management Policy TH

Positive Handling TH

Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation policy TH

Probation Policy TH

PSHE policy TH

Pupil premium policy TH

RE policy TH

Records Management policy TH

Recruitment and Selection Policy TH

Relationships and Sex Education TH

Remote Learning Policy TH

Risk Management TH


Separated Parents policy TH

Shared Parental Leave Policy TH

Site Security TH

Snacks Policy TH

Support Staff Pay Policy TH

Staff Social Media policy TH

Start and End of Day policy TH

Stress Management policy (Employees) TH

Sun safety policy TH

Supporting pupils with medical conditions TH

Trans Equality Policy TH

Uniform policy TH

Volunteer policy TH

Whistleblowing Policy TH

Work experience Policy TH