Swimmimg – 3rd November

Judith’s group- Started with floating on their back with the foam brick on their belly. She showed them how to do the arms properly for backstroke out of the water. Hands together (palms in), one arm circles back and over. At the top of the circle, the hand then turns to face outwards. Ellie even did a half a length backstroke on her own! They then got to jump into a hoop in the deep end.

Chris’ group- They had to push off tree wall game and then swim through a hoop. They practised backstroke with straight legs, pointed toes and belly up- no arms. They then added the arms. Lucas even managed to swim a 45 degree angle lap!

At the end of the lesson, the groups played a game with Chris a little bit like fruit salad, but in the pool. They had to run around the circle of children in water and get back to their place as quickly as possible!

Here’s Chris the swimming teacher straight out of the pool!


Helen’s group- First they practised front crawl and were treading water for a minute. The group also practised backstroke legs with arms straight out over their belly. Some children even managed 25m backstroke at the end of the lesson!